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2018-6-26 10:12:16      点击:

中国科技网11月17日报道(张微 编译)自1960年激光发明以来,它们总是发出热量,或者作为一个用途广泛的工具,一种副产品,也经常以一种虚构的方式被用来征服银河系的敌人。



“如果你看过电影星球大战,就会知道电影里面的激光炮能够使物体升温。而这一次,是首次利用激光束在日常条件下冷却像水这样的液体,” 这篇论文的主要作者,也是华盛顿大学材料科学与工程专业助理教授Peter Pauzauskie说。“这种做法是否能够成功,确实是一个悬而未决的问题,因为我们都知道,水被光束照亮,就会变暖。”



“对于细胞如何分裂,分子和酶如何实现它们的功能,还有许多令人感兴趣的方面,但在以往却没有办法做到通过冷却的方式来研究它们的特性,” Pauzauskie说,他也是来自华盛顿州里奇兰,美国能源部的太平洋西北国家实验室的科学家。“利用激光冷却,有点像将电影中的生命的活动过程进行慢动作展示,优点是,你不需要冷却整个细胞,如果冷却整个细胞就会杀死它或改变它的行为。”







“这个项目的真正挑战是建造一个仪器,以及设计一种方法,利用与困住晶体相同光线的特征,也能够确定这些纳米晶体的温度,”论文的主要作者派登 罗德说,他刚刚获得威斯康辛大学材料科学与工程专业博士学位,目前在英特尔工作。





Research team refrigerates liquids with a laser for the first time

Since the first laser was invented in 1960, they've always given off heat—either as a useful tool, a byproduct or a fictional way to vanquish intergalactic enemies.

But those concentrated beams of light have never been able to cool liquids. University of Washington researchers are the first to solve a decades-old puzzle—figuring out how to make a laser refrigerate water and other liquids under real-world conditions.

In a study to be published the week of Nov. 16 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team used an infrared laser to cool water by about 36 degrees Fahrenheit—a major breakthrough in the field.

"Typically, when you go to the movies and see Star Wars laser blasters, they heat things up. This is the first example of a laser beam that will refrigerate liquids like water under everyday conditions," said senior author Peter Pauzauskie, UW assistant professor of materials science and engineering. "It was really an open question as to whether this could be done because normally water warms when illuminated."

The discovery could help industrial users "point cool" tiny areas with a focused point of light. Microprocessors, for instance, might someday use a laser beam to cool specific components in computer chips to prevent overheating and enable more efficient information processing.

Scientists could also use a laser beam to precisely cool a portion of a cell as it divides or repairs itself, essentially slowing these rapid processes down and giving researchers the opportunity to see how they work. Or they could cool a single neuron in a network—essentially silencing without damaging it—to see how its neighbors bypass it and rewire themselves.

"There's a lot of interest in how cells divide and how molecules and enzymes function, and it's never been possible before to refrigerate them to study their properties," said Pauzauskie, who is also a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. "Using laser cooling, it may be possible to prepare slow-motion movies of life in action. And the advantage is that you don't have to cool the entire cell, which could kill it or change its behavior."

The UW team chose infrared light for its cooling laser with biological applications in mind, as visible light could give cells a damaging "sunburn." They demonstrated that the laser could refrigerate saline solution and cell culture media that are commonly used in genetic and molecular research.

To achieve the breakthrough, the UW team used a material commonly found in commercial lasers but essentially ran the laser phenomenon in reverse. They illuminated a single microscopic crystal suspended in water with infrared laser light to excite a unique kind of glow that has slightly more energy than that amount of light absorbed.

This higher-energy glow carries heat away from both the crystal and the water surrounding it. The laser refrigeration process was first demonstrated in vacuum conditions at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1995, but it has taken nearly 20 years to demonstrate this process in liquids.

Typically, growing laser crystals is an expensive process that requires lots of time and can cost thousands of dollars to produce just a single gram of material. The UW team also demonstrated that a low-cost hydrothermal process can be used to manufacture a well-known laser crystal for laser refrigeration applications in a faster, inexpensive and scalable way.

The UW team also designed an instrument that uses a laser trap—akin to a microscopic tractor beam—to "hold" a single nanocrystal surrounded by liquid in a chamber and illuminate it with the laser. To determine whether the liquid is cooling, the instrument also projects the particle's "shadow" in a way that allows the researchers to observe minute changes in its motion.

As the surrounding liquid cools, the trapped particle slows down, allowing the team to clearly observe the refrigerating effect. They also designed the crystal to change from a blueish-green to a reddish-green color as it cools, like a built-in color thermometer.

"The real challenge of the project was building an instrument and devising a method capable of determining the temperature of these nanocrystals using signatures of the same light that was used to trap them," said lead author Paden Roder, who recently received his doctorate from the UW in materials science and engineering and now works at Intel Corp.

So far, the UW team has only demonstrated the cooling effect with a single nanocrystal, as exciting multiple crystals would require more laser power. The laser refrigeration process is currently quite energy intensive, Pauzauskie said, and future steps include looking for ways to improve its efficiency.

One day the cooling technology itself might be used to enable higher-power lasers for manufacturing, telecommunications or defense applications, as higher-powered lasers tend to overheat and melt down.

"Few people have thought about how they could use this technology to solve problems because using lasers to refrigerate liquids hasn't been possible before," he said. "We are interested in the ideas other scientists or businesses might have for how this might impact their basic research or bottom line."

来源: 中国科技网